صلاة اليوم
Today's Prayers
Friday Prayer / صلاة الجمعة
12:30 PM
Donate to Sustain the Mosque
We suggest donating $30 per month to help pay for utilities and maintenance of the mosque.

Funeral Prayer
Funeral service guidelines:
Notify Spokane Islamic Center contact us as soon as possible using our contact form. Give details about the deceased and discuss funeral arrangements.
Contact Spokane Cremation and Burial Service at (509) 324-9375 and mention that this is a Muslim funeral and that someone from SIC will be in touch to coordinate the bathing, prayer and burial. Spokane Cremation and Burial Service will secure all necessary permits, complying with all State required directives and recommendations.
Make arrangement for the grave site by contacting Pines Cemetery at (509) 926-2753 and let them know that this is an Islamic funeral and you want the diseased to be buried in the Muslim Section. Also let them know that Spokane Cremation and Burial Service is handling the service and Spokane Islamic Center has been notified.
The total cost of the funeral service is currently (2024) estimated at $5,900 ($1500 to Spokane Cremation and Burial Service $1,900 to SIC for the plot and $2,500 to Pines Cemetery)
The SIC funeral service (helping with the bathing of the deceased, funeral prayer and helping with the burial) is free to all Muslims.
Costs for the funeral home and cemetery are the responsibility of the deceased’s family and payment details must be arranged directly with those organizations.
SIC volunteers make every effort to ensure that the needs of grieving families are taken care of in a sensitive and dignified manner at the same time, ensuring that all necessary paperwork is carefully documented.
Spokane Islamic Center
6411 East 2nd Avenue
Spokane Valley, WA 99212